SPLAV > Repair of vacuum pumps > Repair piston-slide valve vacuum pumps
Piston-slide valve vacuum pumps
Plunger pump - type mechanical vacuum pumps that can compress gases to atmospheric pressure to 10-2 mm.RT.St, Piston vacuum pumps called zolotnikova because they have one or more of the bypass valves. Plunger pumps are one and a few chamber. They can also be one or two. The pumps can be used as the final stage of vakuumirovannoj and to be part of a complex vacuum system and to perform the functions of creating a backing pressure for the application of the following high vacuum stage pumping.These NASS can be used as a booster (auxiliary) pumps for pumps ROOTS type and promaslennyh and diffusion pumps.
Pumps are used practically in all industries where need the average vacuum. It, unfortunately, in Russia alone, almost does not produce pumps of this type.
Typically, these pumps are equipped with gas ballast device for condensation of water vapor.
Listed below are the types of piston - slide valve vacuum pumps, the most known in Russia brands taken in for repair.
Pumps AVZ and NSL, the production of JSC "Nasosenergomash", Sumy, Ukraine
The spool to the piston pumps can be attributed to the so-called kogteva pumps firm EDWARDS - Atlas Copco (Velikobritaniya-Sweden) GV-80 GV 250, GV 400
PHOTOS of these pumps:
Pumps company LEYBOLD, TRIVAC