Stable vacuum-our warranty!
Address :
624760, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Verkhnaya Salda, North village Industrial 5
Bin 1036600360466
INN 6607003596

Steam jet vacuum pumps

SPLAV > Prepair of vacuuum pumps > Repair steam jet pumps                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

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                            Steam jet vacuum pumps


Steam jet pumps are very energy intensive and the overall device. However, they are not interchangeable with the high cost of the pumped gases and the presence of relatively cheap energy.

Are nasosy to refineries in the petrochemical industry, in the steel industry, on manageraccount.



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A brief list of our services:

1. Design, manufacture, commissioning of vacuum ejector units, working in any medium (steam, water, air).

2. Design, manufacture, commissioning of steam jet pumps and units combined circuit (ejector, twin-rotor, liquid ring pumps).

3. Creating optimal vacuum system from various pumping devices to provide the required parameters of the technological process.

4. Diagnosis, screening of passport characteristics of domestic and imported steam jet pumps and systems based on them.

5. Recovery of domestic and imported steam jet units, lost passport characteristics.

6. Reconstruction of any steam jet units in connection with the transition to the new operating conditions the pressure of the working vapor and the temperature of the cooling water.Improving the performance of the units.

7. Determination of losses of heat content of the working steam path of the steam line. Measurement of the degree of dryness of steam. Modernization of the steam jet pump to provide steady work for wet steam.

8. Equipment existing steam jet units with automatic control system, instrumentation vacuum.



Our advantages
Flexible pricing policy

Quality assurance on services and products

Individual approach to the customer
30 years on the market

More than 30 years of experience in the market allowed us to gain experience and stability!

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Our contacts:
624760, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Verkhnaya Salda, North village Industrial 5
Bin 1036600360466
INN 6607003596
Call from с 9: 00 до 18:00